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The Propagandist
De propagandist

Director(s): Luuk BouwmanNL112 min.2024
100%(one rating)
Categoriesdocumentary film
Accessibilitysuitable for all age groups of minors
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor and black&white

The documentary The Propagandist reveals the dark story of the rise and fall of Dutch filmmaker Jan Teunissen. Before World War II, he was a respected director, but after the war broke out, he became the head of the film department of the Dutch Nazi Party. What led him to become part of Nazi propaganda Director Luuk Bouwman seeks answers to these questions, drawing from previously unpublished archival interviews, propaganda films, and Jan Teunissen's private recordings. On a secondary level, Bouwman explores the boundaries between documentary and propaganda, analyzing the manipulative power of film and its ability to spread ideology and shape public opinion. IMDb trailer
Projection of The Propagandist at FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2025
Film was already screened
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change