The Dialogue PoliceDialogpolisen
Director(s): Susanna EdwardsSE90 min.2025
100%(one rating)
Categories | documentary film |
Accessibility | suitable for all age groups of minors |
Languages | Persian (Farsi), Swedish, Turkish |
Subtitles | English |
Black and white / colour | color |
In a time of growing political tension and protests, the documentary The Dialogue Police follows the work of a special unit within the Swedish police that relies exclusively on dialogue instead of coercive measures. Their goal is to prevent conflicts between protesters and the police and ensure that citizens can safely express their opinions. Director Susanna Edwards offers an intense and human perspective on those who stand between protesters and power, often on the brink of exhaustion. The film is not only a timely testament to the fragility of democracy but also a reminder that dialogue remains its most powerful weapon.
Projection of The Dialogue Police at FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2025
Film was already screened | Film was already screened |
* Program subject to change