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Queendom + discussion Activist queer art
Queendom + discussion Activist queer art

Director(s): Agniia GaldanovaUS, FR98 min.2023
90%(2 ratings)
Categoriesdocumentary film
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
LanguagesRussian (orig.)
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

Gena, a queer artist from a small town in Russia, dresses in otherworldly costumes made from junk and tape, and protests the government on the streets of Moscow. Born and raised on the harsh streets of Magadan, a frigid outpost of the Soviet gulag, Gena is only 21. She stages radical performances in public that become a new form of art and activism. By doing that, she wants to change people’s perception of beauty and queerness and bring attention to the harassment of the LGBTQ+ community. The performances—often dark, strange, evocative, and queer at their core — are a manifestation of Gena’s subconscious. But they come at a price.

In recent months, the issue of queer art has resonated in a wide social discourse. The film Queendom tells the story of an artist who wanted to stand out from society with her art, which she succeeded to a large extent, until it was dangerous for her. Is queer art in Slovakia activist? And how did the terrorist attack in front of the Teplárna change queer artists? There will also be a discussion about this after the screening of the film. (discussion will be only in Slovak) IMDb trailer
Projection of Queendom + discussion Activist queer art at FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2024
17. Mar
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change