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Dede is dead
Deniska umřela

Director(s): Philippe KastnerCZ8 min.2023
87%(6 ratings)
Categoriesanimated film
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
Black and white / colourcolor

Death of a beloved pet is a difficult thing to deal with, and even though we try to prepare for it, it always seems to come too soon. This is the story of a boy and his dog Dede, who passes away suddenly and the boy is left alone with his grief. In the end, he finds out that just because Dede is dead doesn’t mean that she is completely gone. IMDb trailer
Projection of Dede is dead at FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2024
Short film competition "IN THE HEART OF EUROPE"
14. Mar
Film block: Short Films Competition I
Film was already screened
15. Mar
Film block: Short Films Competition I
Film was already screened
* Program subject to change