A Year in the Life of the CountryRok z życia kraju
Director(s): Tomasz WolskiPL85 min.2024
Categories | documentary film, experimental film |
Accessibility | suitable for all age groups of minors |
Languages | Polish (orig.) |
Subtitles | czech |
Black and white / colour | color and black&white |
‘Dark night of martial law’ is the term used to refer to the time following 13 December 1981 in communist Poland. However, the period of state-imposed terror targeting the Solidarity movement had other faces, too. On the basis of exclusively archival footage, including less known materials, the film explores the backstage of the past events. To the rhythm of snare drums, it shows the everyday life of the country’s residents, the operations of its propaganda and army. By giving a stage to diverse voices of the street and contrasting parades, riots and carnival celebrations, it undermines the mythicised image of Polish society as a victim of the system. The film is presented in the national and international competitions.
Projection of A Year in the Life of the Country at FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2025
18:20 24. Mar | Reservations unavailable | Tickets not yet on sale |
* Program subject to change