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Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon

Director(s): Michael MooreUS91 min.1995
Categoriesfiction film
Accessibilitysuitable for all age groups of minors
LanguagesEnglish (orig.)
Black and white / colourcolor

In a desperate bid to revive his abysmal peacetime approval rating, the president of the United States (Alan Alda) agrees to a scheme proposed by corrupt cabinet member Stu Smiley (Kevin Pollak) and launches a top-secret propaganda campaign to vilify Canada. As U.S. citizens get caught up in a xenophobic hysteria, a group of residents of Niagara, N.Y., wielding machine guns, organize a vigilante invasion that could trigger a real war with America's gentle neighbor to the north. IMDb
Projection of Canadian Bacon at FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2025
25. Mar
Reservations unavailableTickets not yet on sale
* Program subject to change