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Ave Eva
Ave Eva

Director(s): Agnieszka NowosielskaPL30 min.2024
Categoriesfiction film
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 12 years of age
Content descriptorsdiscrimination, fear
Black and white / colourcolor

Ewa is a middle-aged woman full of life, living with her father. When her father's new partner moves into their house, Ewa's deeply hidden need for romantic love is triggered. Desperately looking for affection and intimacy, he confronts social norms and his own inner confusion - because when it comes to love, there are no wise people. What about those who are called "fools"? Does a "fool" in our world have the right to love?

Projection of Ave Eva at FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2025
IN THE HEART OF EUROPE - short films competition
21. Mar
Film block: Short Films Competition II
Reservations unavailableTickets not yet on sale
22. Mar
Film block: Short Films Competition II
Reservations unavailableTickets not yet on sale
* Program subject to change