The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe who lived for twenty and eight years all alone on an inhabited island and said it was hisThe life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe who lived for twenty and eight years all alone on an inhabited island and said it was his
Director(s): Benjamin DeboosereBE75 min.2023
100%(one rating)
Categories | fiction film, experimental film |
Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 15 years of age |
Languages | English, Dutch (orig.) |
Subtitles | English |
Black and white / colour | color |
Fresh out of Rotterdam Film Festival's Bright Future Competition 2023 comes this singular fable which reimagines the classic tale of Robinson Crusoe whilst he engages with life on the island and a pack of non-binary goats. A weird and wonderful conceptual art debut worth a consideration!
Projection of The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe who lived for twenty and eight years all alone on an inhabited island and said it was his at FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2024
20:30 17. Mar | Film was already screened |
* Program subject to change