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Gritty Eyes
Oči plné piesku

Director(s): Juraj JanišSK, CZ30 min.2023
74%(10 ratings)
Categoriesfiction film
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
Black and white / colourcolor

Mino doesn't need much from life: a bit of cash, a liCle weed and someone to love. Mostly, he hangs out with his big brother Rado and his girl Mona whom he has secretly crush on. They make a living from peCy theKs and live day by day, unLl one fateful evening when Mino's life changes forever.

Projection of Gritty Eyes at FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2024
Short film competition "IN THE HEART OF EUROPE"
17. Mar
Film block: Solitude + Gritty Eyes
Film was already screened
17. Mar
Film block: Short Films Competition IV
Film was already screened
18. Mar
Film block: Short Films Competition IV
Film was already screened